Title Mechanical / Electrical Designer (Diploma Holder)
Job Information


Candidates should possess excellent mechanical (or electrical) building services design and AutoCAD drafting skills, and would work under the direct supervision of Engineers (who are stationed in Canada or U.A.E.). Previous similar experience in the field of mechanical (or electrical) building services would be an asset.

Technical Knowledge:

Use AutoCAD to design and draft mechanical (or electrical) building systems drawings for commercial, institutional, high-rise residential projects from marked-up conceptual design drawings provide by engineers.

Mechanical Designers shall be familiar with HVAC, plumbing, & fire protections systems. Tasks may include carrying out heating and cooling load calculations, routing and sizing ductwork and piping, and laying out central plant mechanical rooms.

Electrical Designers shall be familiar with power distribution system, lighting systems and communication systems. Tasks may include laying out receptacles, lights and creating panel schedules.

Work quickly and efficiently while paying attention to detail and accuracy.

Perform changes, additions and/or revisions to drawings as required.


Knowledge of AutoCAD 2000 or later versions and experience using the software for building mechanical (or electrical) systems.

Be able to communicate in English and read drawings in English

Be able to work on multiple projects within a fast paced environment under the supervision of a engineer and/or designer.

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